
Could your business or organisation benefit from connecting with tens of thousands of B31 Voices local users? 

We are an award winning, volunteer led, non profit community organisation that aims to empower communities across south west Birmingham, by keeping them informed and engaged.

We support our local communities to stay connected by providing a virtual community hub using our B31 Voices branded website and social media.

As a community focused organisation that knows its audience, we are ideally placed to help you connect your business or organisation with South Birmingham communities.

Take advantage of our reach:

Our numbers are GREAT and growing…

B31 Voices is proud to be the largest & most engaged online community of its kind in south west Birmingham. Formed in 2010, we have a large following and a reputation as a trustworthy source of information. We already have an excellent reach and it continues to grow. So, advertising with us means your campaigns have the potential to be seen by many, with minimal effort.

And get a warm and fuzzy feeling that you have supported a local community organisation!

Advertising options:

We offer advertising on our website and social media through web ads, sponsored articles, shares, competitions and more. We can discuss your needs to help you find the best way to get your message to our readers.

Get in touch to discuss your needs and for an up to date price list.