As part of our 2024 General Election coverage, we have contacted each candidate standing in Northfield, Bromsgrove, Edgbaston and Selly Oak constituencies asking them to contribute to this election’s ‘500 Words’ series. We have also asked the same of each candidate in the local council by-elections for Northfield and Kings Norton North wards.

Each candidate has been invited to describe themselves and their campaigns in their own words. Their submissions will be published without editing, in the order that they are received. Should they be longer than 500 words, they will be cropped.

Stephen Peters • Reform UK • Birmingham Northfield

The General Election to be held on 4 July 2024 is the first one that Reform UK has fought in in the Birmingham Northfield constituency.

The party’s candidate for M.P. is Stephen Peters who is a retired quantity surveyor, born and raised in Northfield. He has been the Reform UK candidate since early 2024 and when the General Election was called he was ready to commence his campaign throughout the constituency which now has slightly amended boundaries and includes the wards of Allens Cross, Frankley Great Park, Kings Norton North & South, Longbridge and West Heath, Northfield, Rubery & Rednal and part of Weoley & Selly Oak ward, with a total electorate of over 73,000.

Reform UK is a fledgling political party (previously the Brexit Party) and is led by seasoned politician Nigel Farage. Being a new party means that we do not have an established branch structure or local funding, unlike the established parties, so this General Election is viewed as a starting point to enable us to gain many more seats at Westminster in 5 years’ time.

But we are fighting this election now to make an impact locally and to set out our policies which will benefit everyone in Birmingham Northfield. The one that will help voters to cope with the increased cost of living is the plan to raise the Personal Income Tax allowance to £20,000 to enable working people and pensioners to keep more of their own money to pay for high food and energy costs.

Coupled with this we intend to scrap VAT on household gas & electricity bills and abolish subsidies for greener energy and Net Zero emission targets which are making every household poorer.

The hospital waiting list backlog will be cleared over a period of 2 years by using the private health sector alongside the NHS so that treatment can be delivered promptly to those in need.

We also will ensure that policing is concentrated on crimes that residents tell us are blighting their communities – knife crime, shoplifting, burglary and car crime.

Public services have failed to keep up with the ever-increasing population and to solve the issues of housing shortages, NHS and G.P waiting times and low wage levels we will halt all legal immigration until the situation improves, and we will stop all illegal immigration across the Channel by sending the boat people back to France.

The lives of people in Northfield simply will not improve unless common sense Reform UK policies are implemented to make Britian a fairer and better place for British people.



A chance to hear directly from your candidates, any hustings we are aware of will be listed below. Please let us know of any not listed.

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